Thursday, April 16, 2009


I have had visions of freezer meals these past few days and finally came up with an idea that would be win-win for me and a few friends. Many people have started Once A Month Cooking (OAMC) in an attempt to save money and cut down on time preparing meals. I really didn't want to spend a whole day shopping and then a whole day cooking 30 different meals for my family so I tried to think of some other options. When Entrees Made Easy was still in business I would go in and do a few meals every once in a while but they were a bit pricey and now they are gone. There are also freezer meal groups that get together and cook together, with the host in charge of buying $500-$600 worth of groceries and then having to divy up the food and collect people's money. That sounded like way too much work. So my compromise is that each lady who would like to participate cooks up 6 batches of two separate meals, cutting down on ingredients and time and brings them one day a month to exchange for the meals that everyone else had prepared. Doing it this way means that more people can participate because no matter how many people we have, we can just rotate the meals so everyone leaves with a different 12. And by setting a price limit of $15 for two meals, the price would be even across the board, so you will spend $90 making your 12 meals and so will everyone else. It sounds pretty good in theory, time will tell how it plays out in real life. I figure it's worth a try for 12 tasty dinners that I don't have to make!

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